How To-Do Your Summer ‘Do: Ponytail

Surely the most common summer hairstyle of all time must be the ponytail! Let’s take this style and mix it up a little!

Young or old, everyone wears or has worn a ponytail at some point in their lives. They’re easy, hold your hair back out of your face and can be super cute! Today I hope I can surprise you with some new ways to achieve your ponytail!

Did you notice the ponytail remixes in there? Top collage, second picture – that’s a Hairstick! Second collage, bottom left, is a “pony tassel” using a Swerve! and far right is using Bobby Pins!

My friend, Christine, is a wonder at creating unique ponytails, so let’s let her show you how she got that “ponytail tassel” with the Swerve:

And here below, she’s showing you how to secure the ponytail with a pair of UPins, which is basically the same way that it works with the bobby pins. If you need an extra video showing the ponytail with bobby pins, leave a comment or reply to the Summer Hair Series message!

Above, you’ll notice that you can wear your Lilla Rose accessories even with a ball cap! In the second photo, I layered a Braided Leather 8 over a black Sport! And that bottom right photo? It’s the “pony tassel” again, only with an Acrylic Upin, while wearing a cap! How fun!

Flexi-Clips, Flips and Sports are perfect for beautiful and functional ponytails! The top right photo is another example of a bobby pin ponytail.

So are you inspired to try the same old ponytail… in a NEW way?

If you’re reading this as part of the Summer Hair Series, welcome! Today is all about Ponytails! Who knew there could be so many ways to make a ponytail? If you’re not in the series yet, text the word LEARN to (254) 988-7217 to be added to the series! Reply to the daily messages to be entered to win a prize at the end of the series!

I also enjoy taking it high with a twist to make it extra perky!

Adding a twist or braid into your ponytail as seen in the very top photo (girl in the kayak) is another fun addition, and helps if you have some shorter layers up top. And of course, you can just braid a quick ponytail to the side or back also.

Have you tried all of these varieties of ponytail? If not, which one will you try?

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